Grand, awe-inspiring views await you in Arches National Park. The park’s ruddy sandstone cliffs and giant arches carpet the landscape for miles as far as the eye can see. But if you really want to experience everything this majestic destination has to offer, camping at Arches National Park is an adventure like no other! With its stunning rock climbing opportunities, Arches National Park in Moab is a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts. Don’t forget to make your reservations at the nearby resorts for a comfortable stay during your visit.

We’ve gathered all the information you’ll need for a successful trip to national parks, including details on arches national park camping, resorts, and directions. Find out about campgrounds and fees, permits and reservations, and what to bring along with tips on how best to enjoy your time there. If you’re ready for an unforgettable journey under starlit skies surrounded by some of nature’s most captivating wonders then read on!

Campgrounds and Fees

Arches National Park in eastern Utah is perfect for a moab camping trip. Visitors can explore nature and enjoy rock climbing. There are two campgrounds, Devils Garden Campground and Willow Springs Campground, where you can stay during your adventure. Make sure to follow the directions to reach the park.

Devils Garden Campground is the perfect spot for a camping trip in national parks. It can accommodate up to 48 people per night and offers 17 sites with picnic tables, grills, tent pads, and fire rings. Each site also has its own parking space for vehicles or RVs up to 40 feet long. The cost is $20 per night, with an additional fee of $10 per pet. Get ready for some rock climbing adventures on this road trip!

Looking for a camping trip in Moab, Utah? Willow Springs Campground offers 12 campsites with picnic tables, grills, tent pads, fire rings, and small parking areas. RVs longer than 22 feet or trailers greater than 17 feet are not allowed. The cost is $15 per night plus a $5 pet fee if applicable. Read on for more details in this minute read.

Both campgrounds at Arches National Park in Utah offer basic amenities such as restrooms, showers, and drinking water for your camping trip. However, please note that there are no hookups available for RV electrical power or water sources at this time.

Reservations and Permits

Arches National Park in Utah requires visitors to make a reservation and obtain a backcountry permit for any overnight camping trips. Reservations for camping in Utah’s Arches National Park must be made at least 10 days prior to your desired start date, and they are accepted up to four months in advance.

Utah permits for Arches National Park can be obtained by visiting the Moab Information Center or online through the website. When applying for a Utah permit, you will need to provide information such as the number of people in your party, when you plan on entering and leaving Arches National Park, as well as an itinerary of where you will camp each night. Utah permits cost $30 per group with an additional fee of $5 per person if more than two people are included in the group size.

It is also important that visitors follow all park regulations when camping at Arches National Park including no open fires outside designated campsites, proper waste disposal, and respecting wildlife closures. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to fines or other penalties from park rangers so it’s important that campers familiarize themselves with them before their trip begins!

What To Bring

When camping at Arches National Park, it’s important to bring the right gear and supplies. For a successful and safe camping trip, here are some of the items you should consider bringing:

Camping Gear: You’ll need the basics such as a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad or air mattress, camp chairs, lanterns/flashlights, and other essentials. Make sure your camping gear is appropriate for the location; for example check if there are bear warnings in place.

Food and Drinks: Pack enough food for your stay with some extra snacks in case of any emergencies. Bring plenty of water as well since it can be hot during the day in Arches National Park but cool at night. If you plan on grilling or cooking over an open fire make sure you have all necessary utensils like pots and pans.

Clothing and Footwear: Dress appropriately based on weather conditions—it may get chilly at night so warm clothes may be needed even during summer months! Be sure to pack a raincoat too since heavy rains can come suddenly at the park. Also bring layers that can easily be added or removed depending on temperature changes throughout your trip. Finally don’t forget comfortable shoes that won’t give you blisters when out exploring nature trails!

Maps and Utensils for an Arches National Park camping trip: Investing in a good map is always worth it when exploring new areas like Arches National Park outdoors – especially those covered by trees or mountains without signal reception! It’s also important to bring basic kitchen items like plates, bowls, forks/knives/spoons etc. on your Arches National Park camping trip.

Camping Gear

When camping at Arches National Park, it is important to have the right gear. Here is a list of items you should bring or consider bringing for a successful camping trip:

Tent – A tent provides shelter and privacy, as well as protection from wildlife. Make sure to pick one that can handle the weather conditions in the park.

For your Arches National Park camping trip, it’s important to bring a sleeping bag that is rated for low temperatures if you’re visiting during colder months.

Sleeping Pad – This will add extra cushioning and insulation between you and the ground.

Camp Chair/Stool – These are great for lounging around camp or sitting around the fire at night.

Camp Kitchen Supplies – Bring items such as pots, pans, utensils and coolers to make cooking easier. Additionally, a camp stove may be necessary depending on where you plan on setting up camp in Arches National Park.

Flashlights/Lanterns – Illuminate your campsite after dark with these essential items!

First Aid Kit – As with any outdoor adventure, it’s always wise to bring basic first aid supplies in case of an emergency situation.

With all this equipment packed away securely before heading out into Arches National Park, your camping experience should be both enjoyable and safe!

Food and Drinks

When camping at Arches National Park, it is important to plan accordingly for the food and drinks that you will need. Here are some tips and guidelines on what to bring:

Pack a cooler with enough ice or cold packs to keep your food fresh for the duration of your trip.

Bring non-perishable items such as canned goods, dried fruit, nuts, and crackers.

If you plan to cook over a campfire, be sure to bring all necessary materials such as pots, pans, utensils, cooking oil and seasonings.

Also consider bringing snacks like granola bars or trail mix in case you get hungry between meals.

Don’t forget plenty of water bottles or other beverages like juice or sports drinks so that everyone stays hydrated during outdoor activities.

Consider packing some food in resealable containers in case you’d like save leftovers for later use or have extra snacks throughout the day.

Clothing and Footwear

It is very important to wear the appropriate clothing and footwear for a successful camping experience at Arches National Park. The park’s environment can be harsh due to high temperatures during the day and low temperatures at night, so it is best to come prepared.

When packing clothes, consider bringing:

Lightweight, breathable fabrics for hot days.

Clothing layers for when it gets cold in the evening or morning.

Hiking shoes with good grip and ankle support.

A hat or cap that will protect from sun exposure.

Sunglasses and sunscreen to prevent sunburns and eye strain.

In terms of footwear, wear supportive hiking boots as they provide better stability when traversing rocky trails in the park, especially during wet conditions like rain or snowstorms. If you plan on doing a lot of walking, make sure your boots are well broken in before arriving at the park; otherwise you risk getting blisters or other foot problems which really put a damper on any outdoor adventure!

Maps and Utensils

When camping at Arches National Park, it is important to bring the right maps and utensils to make your trip easier. Maps are essential for navigating through the park, finding campsites, and identifying trails.

It’s also important to bring a variety of kitchenware such as cooking pots, pans, plates, cups and eating utensils like forks and knives. Bring along a can opener if you plan on bringing canned food items with you. A cooler or insulated bag for storing perishables can come in handy when camping in Arches National Park. Also consider bringing an extra water bottle or two for drinking water while out exploring the park and don’t forget items such as matches or a lighter for starting fires during colder nights.

For added convenience during your stay at Arches National Park, consider bringing portable chairs that will make it easier to take in the sights from an elevated vantage point without having to stand all day long!

Things to Do

Arches National Park has many activities to offer, from hiking and biking to wildlife viewing and photography.

Hiking: Hiking trails can vary in difficulty with some of the more moderate ones being up to five miles long. Trails are marked with signs that provide detailed information about the difficulty level of each trail, including elevation changes.

Biking: Bike rides are also available at Arches National Park, but only on designated roads and trails. Bicycles must stay on established roads or trails at all times as riding off-trail is prohibited for safety reasons.

Wildlife Viewing: The park’s unusual rock formations create a unique home for many species of animals like mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, coyotes, bobcats, and foxes that can be observed while exploring the park.

Photography: Photography enthusiasts can find numerous opportunities both during the day and night as Arches National Park offers some incredible photo opportunities both by day and night under starry skies or illuminated by a full moon!


Hiking is an excellent way to explore the stunning landscapes of Arches National Park. Visitors can choose from a variety of trails, ranging from short and easy hikes to longer treks that require more experience and preparation.

When planning for a hike, keep in mind the terrain and weather conditions at Arches National Park. The park is mostly desert-like with dry air and high temperatures during summer months so it’s important to bring enough water and sun protection (e.g., hats, sunglasses). In addition, hikers should be aware of certain wildlife such as snakes or lizards that inhabit the area. Always look out for signs that indicate potentially dangerous areas or animals in the vicinity.

For shorter hikes, consider going on routes near Delicate Arch or Double O Arch Trail which are relatively easy but still offer beautiful views of surrounding rock formations. For more experienced hikers looking for a longer trek, try Fiery Furnace Trail – a 5 mile loop featuring interesting geologic features like balancing rocks and sandstone fins along with scenic overlooks over Moab Valley and La Sal Mountains.

If you plan to go on a multi-day hiking trip in Arches National Park make sure to check out Devils Garden Campground which offers basic amenities such as bathrooms, drinking water spigots as well as picnic tables and fire rings at each campsite.


Biking can be a great way to experience the majestic beauty of Arches National Park. With over 30 miles of trails, there is plenty to explore and enjoy. There are also some flat paved roads that make for an easy ride and stunning views.

When biking in the park, it’s important to obey all signs and stay on designated trails only. Be mindful when slowing down and stopping; the desert sun can cause tires to become hot quickly. Keep hydrated by bringing water with you as well as snacks for energy boosts throughout your ride. Finally, always wear protective gear such as helmets and gloves to keep yourself safe from accidents or debris on the trail.

It’s also essential that cyclists take extra caution when encountering wildlife along the trails – respect their space so they feel comfortable living in their natural habitat! You may even get the chance to observe animals like bighorn sheep up close while out riding – just remember not to disturb them in any way.

For those looking for a more adventurous ride, there are some technical trails where mountain bikers can put their skills to test! Just remember: don’t try anything beyond your skill level as this can be dangerous both for you and other riders around you.

Wildlife Viewing

Arches National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, so it’s no surprise that wildlife viewing is one of the most popular activities for campers. From birds and butterflies to foxes and lizards, there are plenty of animals to observe in this unique environment.

To make sure you get the most out of your wildlife viewing experience, it’s important to prepare beforehand. Investing in some good binoculars or a spotting scope will help you spot faraway creatures more easily. Additionally, learning about the local species ahead of time can help you identify what you see while at the park.

When heading out onto trails or into open areas, be sure to keep an eye out for signs from the local animals indicating their presence nearby. Tracks on muddy paths or droppings near rock formations could be signs that certain creatures have recently been there and may still be hiding away somewhere close by – just waiting for you to find them!

Finally, remember that all creatures found in Arches National Park are protected by law; do not disturb them if possible and respect their space as much as possible when observing them from afar.


Arches National Park is one of the most beautiful places on earth, and a great place to take photographs. The natural rock formations, colorful sandstone cliffs, and deep canyons create stunning backdrops for any type of photography.

When taking photos at Arches National Park, be sure to follow all park rules and regulations. It is also important to note that drones are not allowed in the park without prior permission from the park rangers.

It’s a good idea to bring along a wide-angle lens or fish-eye lens if you have one because there are so many wonderful scenes that may require a wider view than normal lenses provide. A tripod will also be helpful when wanting to capture long exposures in low light conditions such as sunsets or starry skies.

If you plan on shooting during sunrise or sunset hours, it’s best to scout out locations ahead of time so you know where you’ll want to set up your camera equipment before the light fades away. This will help ensure that you get some beautiful shots! Lastly, make sure you put safety first when taking pictures at Arches National Park: don’t climb too high up on rocks or stray too far off trails in search of unique angles – stay aware of your surroundings and proceed with caution!

Tips for Camping at Arches National Park

Arches National Park offers some of the most spectacular views and unique activities for any camper. It is important to know how to make the most out of your camping experience at Arches, so here are some tips that can help:

Protect The Park: Make sure you’re following all local laws and regulations while camping in order to protect this natural wonder. Be mindful of wildlife, stay on designated trails, and clean up after yourself when leaving campgrounds.

Avoid Crowds: Camping during off-peak periods will give you more peace and serenity during your trip. Try visiting the park outside of summer weekends or holidays, if possible.

Be Prepared For Weather Changes: The weather can be unpredictable in Arches National Park, so be prepared for sudden changes with suitable clothing and layers. Bring along rain gear or extra blankets as needed.

Follow Park Rules: Follow all signs posted throughout the park regarding noise levels, campground policies, fire safety regulations, etc., as they are there for everyone’s safety and enjoyment.

Protect the Park

Arches National Park is a natural wonder and should be protected from human-caused damage. Campers must always adhere to the rules of the park in order to protect its fragile environment.

Before setting up camp, scout out a suitable site and avoid damaging existing vegetation or soil. Choose sites on durable surfaces such as rock, sand, gravel, or dry grasses instead of sites with vegetation like bushes and shrubs. Avoid camping near water sources and keep away from cliffsides that could be prone to erosion. For toilets, use designated restroom areas whenever possible; never leave toilet paper behind or bury it – bring it back with you when you’re done!

When disposing of trash, follow the “Leave No Trace” principle: pack out all of your trash (including biodegradable items like food scraps) and reuse plastic containers whenever possible. Don’t forget to put out any fires properly before leaving; always check for complete extinction by thoroughly soaking everything with water until no smoke is seen or embers remain.

Be mindful when taking photos in the park – some locations may require a permit in order to take professional quality photographs (such as commercial photography). Do your research before embarking on this type of project so that you don’t inadvertently break any rules.

Lastly, remember that wildlife might be attracted to campsites due to food odors or other scents – make sure you clean up after yourself thoroughly each night in order to ensure their safety!

Avoid Crowds

Arches National Park is an extremely popular destination for campers, so it can be difficult to find a place to stay if you don’t plan ahead. To help make your trip a little easier, here are some tips on how to avoid the crowds:

Consider booking at less busy times of the year such as late spring or early fall. These months often have fewer visitors and more availability.

Make sure you book your campsite in advance either through the park’s reservations system or online with a third party vendor.

If possible, choose to camp outside of peak hours (especially during summer) when lots of people are checking in/out of their sites.

Try camping on weekdays instead of weekends since most people tend to travel on those days.

Be flexible with your arrival time; arrive earlier than usual or later in the evening when there is usually less traffic at the entrances and check ins take less time.

Pick campsites away from crowded areas like visitor centers and main roads, as these places tend to attract more people due to their convenience and easy access points.

Be Prepared for Weather Changes

Arches National Park is known for its unpredictable and ever-changing weather, so it’s important to come prepared when camping here. Rain, wind, and extreme temperatures are all possible during your stay at the park. Depending on the time of year you plan to visit, you should bring clothing that can adapt to changing conditions.

Layering is a great way to keep warm since temperatures throughout the day can vary drastically. Be sure to bring a lightweight waterproof jacket or poncho just in case it rains, along with hats and gloves if necessary. Additionally, pack sunscreen and sunglasses for sunny days when UV radiation levels are high.

The temperature difference between night and day can be quite drastic in Arches National Park as well – from highs of over 100°F (37°C) during the day down into low 40’s °F (4°C) at night – so make sure you have enough warm clothes and blankets packed for sleeping in cold weather.

Furthermore, the terrain around Arches National Park can get very dusty due to strong winds blowing through canyon walls and ridges;pack a face mask or dust filter bandana/scarf as an extra safeguard against inhaling dust particles suspended in air while out exploring on foot or bike!

Follow Park Rules

As with any national park, there are certain rules and regulations when camping at Arches National Park that must be followed for everyone’s safety. It’s important to respect the environment and ensure that future visitors will be able to enjoy the same experience we did. Here are some of the most important rules to keep in mind:

Camping is only allowed in designated campsites, not elsewhere in the park.

Make sure all campfires are contained and extinguished properly before leaving. Only wood or charcoal fires are permitted in designated fire rings provided by the park.

Ensure pets are on a leash at all times while within Arches National Park boundaries.

Pets cannot join you while hiking trails and must remain confined in your campsite at all times; they’re also not allowed into buildings or around public swimming areas.

Respect wildlife – never feed them or approach too closely, as this can cause stress for both people and animals. Wildlife should always be observed from a distance with binoculars or photography equipment instead of getting too close up front.

Refrain from loud noises such as music playing; noise pollution disrupts both wildlife habitats and other visitors’ experiences alike, so it’s best avoided altogether if possible!


Visiting Arches National Park is a rewarding and unforgettable experience that should be on every outdoor enthusiast’s bucket list. The park offers unparalleled beauty, diverse activities, and plenty of opportunities to explore the nature around us. Whether you’re looking for an adventure or just want to appreciate some of the most spectacular red rock formations in the world, camping at Arches National Park is an experience that will stay with you long after you leave.

Before heading out into the great outdoors though, it’s important to remember to plan your trip carefully by researching campgrounds and fees, making reservations ahead of time, obtaining all necessary permits and licenses from the park authorities, packing everything you need for your camping trip including food, water, clothing and footwear as well as maps and other useful items like utensils. Additionally, don’t forget to always protect the park by following rules set forth by rangers such as not disturbing wildlife or littering while also avoiding busy times when possible so everyone can get a chance to enjoy this natural wonderland without overcrowding. With these tips in mind plus lots of preparation before embarking upon your journey into this breathtaking landscape – there’s no doubt that camping at Arches National Park will be one amazing vacation!